25.04.2008, 00:00 Uhr

PC World erwartet 3G iPhone am 9. Juni

Die PC World berichtet auf ihrer Website, dass das neue iPhone mit 3G-Fähigkeiten am 9. Juni vorgestellt werden soll. Dann werde nämlich Steve Jobs seine Keynote an der Worldwide Developers Conference von Apple halten. PC World beruft sich bei dem Termin auf neue Informationen von Analysten. Diese schrieben am Donnerstag:
In addition to a 3G iPhone release in early June, the 2.5G model could have a "minor casing change" and a price drop to between US$299 and $349, compared to the current $399, wrote Shaw Wu, an analyst with American Technology Research, in a research report.
Those predictions are consistent with a February prediction Gardner made that 3G iPhones will be announced by midyear. The 3G iPhone release will help Apple meet its target of shipping 10 million iPhones in 2008, Gardner wrote at the time.  (ph) http://www.pcworld.com/

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